Saturday, August 31, 2019

Political Economy Essay

Approaches to study of Politics Falls under Political Science We’re made to do the impossible Summary 1 paragraph will do. Provide the insight -Data -Theory used -approach used – use other references to prove your point 3 x 5 Surname all caps first name email address mobile number On approach deals with different meaning of politics Political Science What is Politics & its scope ? Banned words Politics is dirt Politics is nothing more than a means of rising in the world Samuel Johnson Systematic organization of hatred Henry Adams Art of governing mankind by deceiving them. BASIS of POLITICS Intellect and Will Man Capable of Thinking Politics as a rational activity Man has the capacity to think and realize his wants, needs and interest which are potentially in conflict with others’ wants, needs, and interests. Man cannot survive on its own. He needs someone else Politics as a social activity 2 or more persons Politics as a social activity 2 or more persons Associate with society Politics is concerned with social dynamics. POLITICS AS THE ART OF GOVt What concerns the state Study of government and exercise of authority Authoritative allocation of social values Framework Definition does not provide David Easton Authoritative binding to all Allocation done by the government Social Values anything held important by society budget allocation, privatization, elections Henry Mayo 3 characteristics that separate the political from non-poitical Politics is focused on the governing function through which are: Limitation on Easton on Mayo’s concept of Politics POLITICS DOES NOT ONLY HAPPEN IN THE GOVERNMENT POLTICS AS PUBLIC AFFAIRS State DIFFERENCE OF GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS PUBLIC PRIVATE State Civil Society Institutions of the State ( apparatus of government, infrastructure, economy, taxes Autonomous bodies (family, kinship groups, private businesses, trade unions Funded at the public’s Expense Set up and funded by individual citizens Responsible for the collective organization of community life Responsible for the satisfaction of own interests rather than the interest of the larger society. Private with this definition EX: RH Bill It should not be affair of the government. Public Sphere vs Private Sphere Restricted to the acitivites of the state itself and the responsibilities that are properly exercised by public bodies Politics should not meddle on personal affairs and institutions POLITICS AS COMPROMISE & CONSESUS A daily activity in which differing interests within a given unity of rule are conciliated by giving them a share in power in proportion to their role in the welfare and the survival of the community Bernard Crick Everything will just be fine – for no matter big or small the dispute is, at the end of the day we will just arrive in a compromise. Assumption: Conflict is inevitable Resolving conflict through compromise conciliation and negotiation, rather than violence and coercion. Not limited to government POLITICS IS INEVITABLE LINKED TO THE PHENOMENA OF CONFLICT & COOPERATION Politics as master science Why Make use other things to make things in order. Existence of rival opinions- conflict People recognize that they have to work with others cooperation Hannah Arendt- Acting in Concert Otto Von Bismarck- Politics is the art of the possible. POWER AS POWER & DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES What is power? X has power over Y insofar as Robert Dahl X is able, in one way or another, to get Y to do something That is more to X’s liking And which Y would not otherwise have done. Faces of Power As decision-making – you shape there decisions As agenda setting – You are preventing the person to make a decision As thought control- You are imposing your preference in an indirect or subtle way. Definition of Politics through POWER and allocation of resources FIND THE FOLLOWING QUOTES OF FAMOUS SCIENTISTS Adrian Leftwich- Politics is at the heart of all collective social activity, formal and informal, public and private, in all human groups, institutions and societies. Harold Lasswell Politics is, in essence power: the ability to achieve a desired outcome, through whatever means. Kate Millett â€Å"Politics is a power-structured relationships, arrangements whereby one group of persons is controlled by another. â€Å"POLITICS†- as the constrained use of social power. Robert Goodin & Hans- Dieter Klingemann Constrained because there are already laws establish. Politics takes place in all social activities; politics happen at every level of social interaction Politics concern production, distribution and use of resources in the course of social existence. -Ability to achieve a desired outcome, through whatever means . Approaches to the study of Politics Ontology- the nature of being Epistemology -How do you know what we know? Theoretical – concept & idea Empirical- Evidence, observation History- both theory and experience Methodology – How do we exactly know what we know

Friday, August 30, 2019

Buddhism and Judaism Essay

In this paper I will talk about the history, beliefs and traditions from two different religions. The western religion of Judaism and the eastern religion of Buddhism are the two religions, these two religions have some similarities and some contrasts but they also share some of their own beliefs. Buddhism is the way of life on ending suffering achievable through human’s endeavor. On the other hand,† Buddhism is one of the world’s oldest and most significant religions and it has spread though almost all of Asia. Buddhism was founded 500 years before Christ (BC) and was the first major religion in the world† (Prof. Barker PowerPoint). Its creator was a young prince from India named Siddhartha Gautama† (Molloy pg. 126). On the other hand, the Buddhism religion story began when â€Å"Siddhartha mother Queen Maya had a dream, on a night of the full moon. On that night of the full moon Queen Maya had supernatural dream about a special being known as the Buddha. The dream was about the Buddha being reborn as a human, the Buddha was going to be reborn as the child she was about to have Buddha. When Siddhartha Gautama was born, Maya felt ill after giving birth to Siddhartha and died a few days later†( Molloy pg. 127) On the other hand, when Siddhartha was born they noticed that he had promising sign of a great human being. â€Å"The mark that Siddhartha had mainly means that he will become a Buddha or a world emperor. His father was quite happy with the idea that he could become a world emperor. On the other hand, his father was try to prevent him from becoming a spiritual leader, by keeping him always from things that might send him into a religious direction Siddhartha was kept in one or another of their three palaces, and was prohibited from experiencing much of what ordinary folk might consider quite commonplace. He was not permitted to see the elderly, the sickly, the dead, or anyone who had devoted themselves to spiritual practices. Only beauty and health surrounded Siddhartha† (Video notes of Buddha part 1). Additionally, Siddhartha grew up and he trained in the arts of war. He married when he was 16 years old. But as Siddhartha continued living in the comfort of his palaces, he grew rising restless and curious about the world beyond the palace walls. He finally insisted that he be allowed to see his community and his lands but his father agreed that Siddhartha should still not see the kind of suffering. But one day Siddhartha violated his father rules and visited a close city and he observed the pain of ordinary life. He saw and was moved by what are called the four passing sights what is known as the four noble truths† (Molloy pg. 128). On his journey Siddhartha saw an old man and he learned the process of ageing and that there no stopping ageing. The second sight was when Siddhartha saw a sick man and he learned that everyone could get sick. The three sight that he saw was a dead body and he learned that everyone must die and suffering in life. The fourth sight was when he saw a monk and he learned that they give everything up just so they could end suffering. When Siddhartha return back to his palace he saw his new born son and his wife. He was thinking about the horrible things that he saw outside the palaces, Siddhartha wanted to find out his own answers to life suffering, so he abandoned his family†( video note of Buddha part 2).. Siddhartha went on a journey to find the answers of suffering, by using meditation and fasting and one day Siddhartha saw a musician fixing his guitar, he saw the guitar must be in the middle so the guitar could sound well. He decided he must follow the middle way; he had no idea how he could reach the middle way. In fact, Siddhartha had been traveling for six years and has experience suffering but he still couldn’t find the way to enlightenment. Siddhartha sat under a tree and told himself that he will not leave until reaching enlightenment (video note of Buddha part 3). † Bring the time Siddhartha spend under the tree, he found the prescription to reach Enlightenment and Nirvana that is called The Four Noble Truth (video note of Buddha part 4) The Four Noble Truth are chain about life (1) suffering exists; (2) it has a cause; (3) it has an end; and (4) there is a way to attain releases from suffering† (Michael Molloy pg. 34). Siddhartha was 35 year old when he past the four Janice to reach Enlightenment and Nirvana. Buddha dead by an illness called food poisoning at the age of 80 (video note of Buddha part 5). The religion of Buddhism is still practice in this day. Also Buddha’s teachings were not recognized until several years ago after his death. On the other hand, Judaism is also a system of life, but it focuses on interpersonal behavior and taking routine activities and educational them to something special. According to an overview of Jewish history, was created around 2000 before Common Era (BCE). Moses was one of the leaders of the Israelites, chief the Israelites out of the slave detention occurring in Egypt. On the other hand, Moses received the Law of God on Mount Sinai afterwards. In addition, the Israelites were direct to the promised-land by Joshua in which Samuel assisted in the construction of the kingdom and the new king becoming Saul. Also, Jerusalem was generated by King David while King David’s son, King Solomon had the first temple construct in Jerusalem after King David’s death. The temple was smashed in the70 Common Era (C.  E) â€Å"which brought about the end of the temple-based ceremonial religion and its community spreading of the Jewish individuals all through the world until 1929-1940s when the Holocaust was created† (Molloy pg. 290). On the other hand, the beliefs of the Judaism individuals start with 13 fundamental beliefs that have been accepted for several centuries such as: 1). God exists, 2). God is one and exceptional, 3). God is spiritual,4). God is perpetual, 5). Prayer is to be directed to God alone and to no other, 5). The words of the prophets are true, 6). Moses was the supreme of the prophets, and his prophecies are correct, 7). The Written Torah and Oral Torah were given to Mose, there will no other Torah, 8). God knows the thoughts and deeds of men, 9). God will recompense the good and discipline the wicked, 10). The Messiah will come, 11). His dead will be raise from the dead. 12). The belief of a Buddhist individual begin with an individual going through a cycle of birth, life, and death, this cycle is measured to be reincarnation and can occur many times until the individual resigned his or her needs and his or her self obtaining a status of nirvana. video note of Judaism). On the other hands, Buddhist individuals do not believe in a specific God, prayer, or the obligation for a savior, or eternal life after passing away. After the dead of Buddha, Buddhism has incorporated with local sacrosanct ritual traditions, viewpoints, and customs as the religion extended through Asia. On the other hand, an individual does not have to read the Tipitaka from beginning to end to be familiar with the four noble truths, which are: 1). There is pain, 2). There is reason for suffering 3).  There is termination of suffering 4). There is path leading to the cessation of pain ( Molloy pg. 134). As comparing Buddhism and Judaism several differences occur. For example, the belief that there is only one creator or God is by Jewish religion is not shared with Buddhist religion. Another difference is in the Doctrine that each respective religion follows, Jewish persons follow the Torah and Talmud as with the Buddhist persons following the Tipitaka. Both doctrines are significantly different within the teachings. An additional difference between the two religions is Judaism’s principle to life is to be submissive to God whereas Buddhism’s principle to life is to stop the persistent cycle of reincarnation and obtain Nirvana. On the other hand, Buddhism and Judaism have some similarities. For example, both religions have an authoritarian system that should be pursued but not required. In addition some similarities between Judaism and Buddhism are that Judaism follows the Ten Commandments whereas Buddhism follows the Eightfold Path, which is parallel to the Ten Commandments. Both religions also have structure created for worship their belief; however, their buildings have different names, Jewish individuals name their places of worship synagogues and Buddhist individuals, names their places of worship temples. Judaism and Buddhism individuals have some contrasts. For example, Judaism is a dietary support religion, they believe that a person has one life and they should live to the fullest, using that time to perfect the world. They do not focus on the eternal life, and in fact has no set doctrines concerning the eternal life. On the other hand, the Buddhism has no role for deity in accomplishing, they has no a set of right or wrong behaviors just suggestions, enlightenment is attained by individual endeavor and they believes in the reincarnation (Molloy, pg. 178). On the other hand, one of the Judaism traditions is the Bar/Bat Mitzvah; this tradition takes places when a young individual turns 13 for boys or 12 for girls. It is an event that takes place acknowledging he or she has taken the responsibility to continue to follow Jewish law and has become part of the adult Jewish population. In addition, the Jewish community has several holidays, but they are only 11 that are considered to be important in Judaism. The first was â€Å"the Passover, this holiday begins on the fifteenth day of the Jewish month of Nissan, also known as March/April; this holiday is referred to the walk of God over the houses of Jewish community as he was slaying the firstborn of Egypt also this holiday lasts seven days. During this holiday the community cannot eat grains such as: oats, barley or wheat, but they can eat unleavened bread† (Molloy pg. 04). Also, during these holidays they clean their homes literally from top to bottom. However, their celebration that consists fasting firstborn male children, than there is an exceptional meal made to remind them the objective of the holiday. The second holiday is the Yom Kippur this holiday is the Day of amends. During Yom Kippur holiday the Jewish needs to take a day of fasting and repentance to reconcile their soul with the Creator for t he mistakes they have made in the previous years. However this holiday encourages a Jewish individual to make penitence for the mistakes that he or she has committed against another. In contrast fasting from sunset to the evening previous to the Yom Kippur to sunset the day of Yom Kippur is also an obligation during this holiday. The third holiday is Rosh Hashanah meaning the Jewish New Year. This holiday take place between Labor Day and Columbus Day and this holiday is celebrated for a week long episode and is a manifestation of the past year and a time for resolutions to be made. In addition, the two most important holidays that most Jewish individuals are involving are the Rosh Hashanah and the Yom Kippur. This holiday usually take place twice-a-year (Molloy, pg. 327). On the other hand, Buddhism has different traditions, and they did some celebration too. For example, when an individual is converting in to a Jewish he or she has witnessed and is rising within Judaism. Also Buddhism has three immense branches that are acknowledged today such as: Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Each branch appeared after a previous one, also and according to some people’s beliefs that crucial aspects of all three branches existed simultaneously. For example, Theravada means the way of the leaders. It is generally found in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, and claim to have kept the knowledge, it is not likely. First, they passed down teachings in verbally, but finally they wrote them down. The monks beg for food day by day which means the monasteries are in towns, and come back to help their community. However, Mahayana Buddhists has their own set of scriptures, and various are called sutras. Their belief recommends reaching nirvana, not just the monks. The Mahayana Buddhists also worship bodhisattvas which is the one who have gained enlightenment and so possibly will enter nirvana. They decide to be reborn and to stay in the world to assist other people overcome their problems and gain enlightenment. Also Vajrayana Buddhist generally called Tantric Buddhist, are often linked with Tibetan Monks. They are ritualistic like the Mahayana Buddhists. All traditions distinguish the Buddha as an enlightened teacher who communal his insights in order to assist people end pain in agreement with the laws of Karma. Karma is one of the important principals of Buddhism; it’s believed that all is consistent, by having excellent karma is to be reincarnated into impressive content (Molloy pg. 164). Additionally, the Buddhists believe what you’re reincarnated into, is up to your karma in your ancient times life it might be an animal, insect even; male or female all depends on the karma. Consequently all living organisms have the equal importance; even killing a bug generates bad karma. Also Buddhism states that one may never be truly cheerful with hatred in their hearts. It also meaningful out that hatred comes from lack of knowledge, vengeance, disgust, and vengeance only becomes a never ending cycle, and does no all right in the end (Molloy pg. 138). The Buddhism community has some extraordinary holidays held throughout the year and some of the celebrations are related to the birthdays of Bodhisattvas in the Mahayana tradition or other important dates in the Buddhist calendar. However, the most significant celebration occurs every May on the night of the full moon, when Buddhist all over the world, celebrate the birth, Buddha and his enlightenment and Buddha and his death it has been celebrate over several years ago. It has become to be known as Buddha Day Also other important holidays for the Buddhism Community are the festivals, people go to the local temple or monastery and present food to the monks and take the Five Precepts and listen to a Dharma speak. In the afternoon, they hand out food to the poor to make merit and in the evening connect perhaps in a ceremony of circumambulation as sign and respect for the Buddha (Molloy pg. 146). In Conclusion, as focus on two religious (Buddhism and Judaism) I was able to understand the importance and the role of each religious and how this influences the life of each individual. Also, I think that is very interesting to have knowledge of other cultures and to understand their beliefs, traditions and culture.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

HR Roles and Responsibilities Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

HR Roles and Responsibilities Paper - Essay Example HRM has since been ascribed an essential role in achieving the goals of organizations. Its rise had important implications on the recognition of workers. The competencies of employees have been given more notice in recruitment and selection as well as in training and development (Van Marrewijk & Timmers, 2003). Its strategic position as a sounding board for top management and facilitator and change agent in the restructuring and transformation processes of the company is equally balanced with its role as an important partner for employees. â€Å"Thus, the HRM function positions itself in two ways: as the architect of new organizational structures and work systems, and as coach in management development processes and companion of employees in turnaround processes† (Van Marrewijk & Timmers:174) Movement from traditional personnel management towards HRM is caused by factors such as â€Å"increased level of competition, less availability of trained workforce, less committed workforce, rapidly changing technology, increased level of downsizing and restructuring of organizations† (Budhwar:143). Further, the increased importance and interest in HRM may be enhanced by the introduction of the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs), Investors in People (IIP) standards, increased pressure on training and enterprise councils (TEC) and the â€Å"welfare to work† projects. The ever-increasing functions of HRM have given birth to two practices – integration and devolvement. Brewster and Larsen (1992) define integration as â€Å"the degree to which HRM issues are considered as part of the formulation of the business strategy† and devolvement as â€Å"the degree to which HRM practices involve and give responsibility to line managers rather than personnel specialists.† (411-412). This paper will focus on the practice of devolvement. Unloading

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Language of Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

The Language of Leadership - Essay Example If a leader only dwells on the negative aspects of a team member’s performance and never mentions appreciate when they do the right thing, it impacts negatively on the morale and the performance of the team. Similarly, not all team members are motivated by the same values and desires, implying a leader should know the desires and values of each member (Designed Learning, 2013). Lastly, both positive and negative comments by a leader influence motivation. However, research indicates that people are more affected by positive comments. Thus, a leader ought to recognize any earnest effort, regardless of its size, and communicate the appreciation back. It would not pay to just appreciate an effort and fail to communicate it to the concerned worker. The first step in motivation is to set goals and encourage team members to achieve them. Second, a leader should encourage subordinates to believe in themselves. Third, a leader should never belittle a member and recognize the right of every teammate as unique. A leader should also create a positive and open atmosphere and strive to always give prompt and positive feedback (Designed Learning, 2013). Negative feedback should also be communicated in a way that encourages reform on the part of a subordinate. Make the opinions of members count as it will make them feel valued and part of the team. Whenever a leader identifies and corrects a problem, it should be made clear that the comments made are meant to correct the problem and does not necessarily target the person who made the mistake (Pritchard & Ashwood, 2008). Other measures include treating team underachievers with respect and showing them the right way to do tasks, involving all team members in policy formulation, and constan tly monitoring the performance of every individual (Pritchard & Ashwood, 2008). Designed Learning (2013). â€Å"Leadership Language in Action- The Six Conversations that

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Fascebook Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fascebook - Essay Example In other cases like Zuckerberg’s, where leadership seems to be more authentically connected to team rather than personal goals, the groups tend to work more effectively and move together towards goals more saliently. This can be related to rational systems theory, when aligned with these theories of leadership. â€Å"While focusing on the growth of the user base, Facebook also paid close attention to the revenue side of the business. The company had several sources of income: direct brand sales, online sales, working with the top 200 advertisers in the USA, etc† (Facebook, 2010). At Facebook, Zuckerberg shows how effective leadership is perhaps the most important factor in creating successful partnerships. True leaders are able to motivate and provide vision while still subscribing to a basic pattern of teamwork and support that engenders an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. Too often leaders are more interested in leading than in providing fundamental solutions to the problems at hand. In today’s dynamic society, leaders are also increasingly adhering to a pattern that accepts change, rather than stability, as the standard. This creates an environment in which dynamism is supported and can lead to new creative solutions. It is sometimes easy for a business or corporation to accept its position as the status quo without realizing that the world has a habit of changing very quickly, as today’s giants can become tomorrow’s vacant office blocks. Therefore, effective leaders must see the change inherent in the outside environment and p roject it inwardly to adhere to the vision of their organization and supply real-world solutions to the problems at hand. â€Å"Communications processes both internally with employees and externally with customers are integral parts of a system†¦ while some advocates of systems analysis were suggesting that managers look at inputs, transformation processes and outputs,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Does the implimentation of the national health insurance program in Research Proposal

Does the implimentation of the national health insurance program in Ghana help reduce HIV AIDS which is prevlant in rural Ghana - Research Proposal Example The government marginalizes sex workers as not of interest, therefore the disease is not given the due consideration in the newly democratized stated (Howley, 2010, p. 367). The prevention of HIV/AIDS through behavior modification has been a primary resource for addressing the disease (Howley 2010, p. 186). According to the International Monetary Fund (2006), HIV/AIDS issues are recognized as a threat to the â€Å"socioeconomic development of the country through its potential impact on human capital development, productivity, and social services deliveryâ€Å"(p. 109). In 2006 the following measures were taken in working towards prevention of the disease within the nation of Ghana: The following table shows the number of people who were benefiting from ART as of December of 2006. At that time, there were 50,942 people in need of services with only 7,338 benefiting from art which represents only 14.4% of those in need(International Monetary Fund, 2006, p. 109). Ghana has seen a decline in poverty from 39.5% in the 1998 to 1999 years to 28.5% in 2006 (African Development Bank., & OECD, 2008). In addition, there has been a concerted effort on the part pf the government to address the needs of their citizens in regard to health care. According to former President of Ghana, Jerry John Rawlings, Ghana suffers from a poor system of health care that is lead by a staff of insensitive and unprofessional medical personal and complicated by poor infrastructure and a lack of equipment. The staffs of hospitals are burdened by a lack of everything, thus leaving them jaded and without motivation ( 2010). In addition, the National Health Insurance Scheme that has been put into place is beleaguered by problems and is not providing the much needed services that the people need in order to have adequate health care. The National Health Insurance Scheme is the product of the administration led by John Kufuor. However, one of the exceptions to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

African history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

African history - Essay Example of how a powerful leader might approach changing ideologies within his own homeland in order to both reach the common people as well as the important figures at court. To understand how this came to be, a brief summary of Sundiata’s story is necessary. Born into a Muslim household to a deformed woman who seemed to have passed the idea of deformity onto her son, Sundiata’s beginnings were humble enough for a born prince. He is described as lazy, glutinous, seldom spoke and was unable to walk on his own. Nevertheless, his father provided him with a powerful griot in the belief that he would someday be king. Through a desire to help his mother stop crying, he was able to begin walking. To keep him safe from his elder half-brother, who had already sent his half-sister and griot away to the enemy king Suomaoro of Sosso, Sundiata and his mother fled to far-away lands where Sundiata learned how to hunt, fight and gained in wisdom. When he learned Suomaoro had overtaken his homeland of Mari, Sundiata returned, gathering fighters along the way. Through several battles involving aspects of both religions, Sundiata finally prevails over Suomaor o and founds an empire of his own. Elements of the traditional African religions can be seen traced throughout the book. Even before he is born, it was the voice of the soothsayers that led Sundiata’s father to marry his buffalo-woman mother, saying that one day he would make a great king. It is again the soothsayers of the old religions that have already prepared a great iron bar against that day when Sundiata would call for it in order to help him gain his feet. â€Å"The master of the forges, Farakourou, was the son of the old Nounfari, and he was a soothsayer like his father. In his workshops there was an enormous iron bar wrought by his father Nounfari. Everybody wondered what this bar was destined to be used for.† Witches are called to destroy him, but cannot because he is good of heart. His sister is also a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Hemolysis of Horse Red Blood Cell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hemolysis of Horse Red Blood Cell - Essay Example There are factors that contribute to the ability of the solute to pass through the cell membrane. One is the permeability of the cell membrane. Cell membrane is a lipid bilayer which does not allow ions and small hydrophilic molecules to freely pass the membrane (Kimball). Thus, for the sodium chloride, sodium sulfate and D-glucose solution to hemolyze the cell, a dilute solution should be used since this would increase the water concentration in the medium causing osmosis to occur. Another factor that determine membrane permeability is lipid solubility. Generally, low solubility in lipid would mean slower rate of entry to the cell (Crawford). Hydrophilic substances will pass through the membrane slowly. As shown in the results, D-glucose, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate were not able to cause hemolysis, Polarity and molecular size also affect the rate of entry of solute. Most polar molecules are hydrophilic; they cannot easily permeate the membrane (Cell Membrane, 2). Ethanol, propano-1-ol and glycerol, although polar, are small enough to pass through the membrane (Membrane Permeability). Notice that the time of hemolysis increases with molecular size with the glycerol having the longest time. Ammonium chloride was able to hemolyze the cell compared to other salts.

Thomas Hobbes Ieviathan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thomas Hobbes Ieviathan - Essay Example Always he based his argument on the violent deaths of men on the hands of another man. He believed that the only way natural laws could work was only by submitting the commands t the sovereign. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, Oxford 1996 Thomas Hobbes has his own reputation on political philosophy. He is widely known to be a thinker with so many interests in political philosophy. In the world of philosophy, Thomas H. is widely known for his defense on a wide range of issues that included Naminalist, empiricist, and materialist views in contrast to republic. In history too, he is also known to have translated Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian war in to now English which saw him later write his own history on the long parliament. Generally, Thomas H. is widely known for his participation in his intellectual life.1 His vision of the world is original and still relevant to the contemporary politics. His main concern is majorly the problems of the social and political order, which is how human beings can live together without fear or civil conflicts in our societies. He has ever insisted in giving our obedience to an account able sovereign person or group to determine every social political issue. Otherwise, what awaits us is a state of nature, which more closely resembles a civil war whereby everybody in any society is in a state of fear. It is due to Hobbes interpretations, which lead to so many controversies as to whether he sees human beings as merely egoistic or purely self-interested. He goes on to posits unconnected and primitive state of nature whereby men have the natural proclivity to hurt another man and have rights over everything even to one another’s body. This is what making me defends Hobbes in his argument whereby powers should be rested on the sovereign state. Power is entrusted to a certain group who ensures that there is law and order in that state and no civil wars2. In the early 1640s, this is the time when Hobbes started making an impac t with most of the philosophical writings and one of his own was the elements of law, whereby he started with the developments of the workings of the human mind and language also the political matters. One of his first published books on philosophy was the De Cive published in 1642, which encompasses three main aspects, which included Empire, Liberty, and religion. Later when in France Hobbes then wrote Leviathan and this book was published in 1651. Leviathan basically comprises of matters of scriptural interpretation and it is in this book where majorly his work evolves in. Leviathan is a book written by Thomas Hobbes during the civil war. Its concerns are basically on the society and the legitimate government hence taken as one of the examples of the social contract theory. He argues that social unity and civil peace can only be achieved through the establishment of a commonwealth through the social contract. This common wealth is then ruled by either a sovereign power or even a s ingle ruler who provides security to the common wealth. He is a man who has lived in fear, which then eventually led him to write the leviathan. In his book, He set out the foundation of states plus the legitimate governments, which are said to have originated from the social contract theory3. This book is known to have been written during the English civil wars. It was as a result of these evil

Friday, August 23, 2019

Communication & Cultural Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Communication & Cultural Studies - Essay Example The Mexican people identify with their culture and every work that seems to acknowledge this fact is appreciated by everyone in the country. Diego Rivera had this in mind when doing his painting because it captures the attention citizens in respect to the cultural aspect. This paper under the guidance of Stuart Hall focuses on the cultural identity of the Mexican people and their nationalism as is reflected in Zapatista’s landscape painting. The paper also analyses the effects and operations of other aspects such as racism, and sexuality. The researcher also seeks to understand why the Mexican people appreciate their culture using works in reference to different cultural theories. Diego Rivera’s Zapatista’s Landscape panting symbolically translates the cultural identity of the Mexican people in form of a visual image. Diego uses images as a representational system that embarks on using sings and symbols to bring out meaning of what is happening during the post-revolutionary period in Mexico, the best way for people to understand and reflect. As we shall later see, these symbols give the Mexican people a sense of identity. The representations manifested by the painting are cultural products which are created within the contemporary Mexican society during the post-revolutionary period. The painting contains background information that helps provide insight about the complexity of the situation in Mexico. This instills the Mexican people of the need to uphold their nationalism and remain united to face the challenges the strike them. This painting serves to create awareness among the Mexican people and also enhance curiosity concerning the themes that the artist wants to communicate with his fellow countrymen. Diego Rivera clearly communicated his message to the people through his art works and creates the desire

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Antibiotic Sensitivity Essay Example for Free

Antibiotic Sensitivity Essay Microbial growth is a normal essential part of the healthy human, animal, and plant environment. When introduction to a microorganism causes harmful bacterial growth, using antimicrobial therapy can eradicate or reduce the unwanted pathogen. Antimicrobials are used to stop the growth of a pathogen by the use of a selectively toxic, identified inhibitor. Not all microbes are harmful so it is important to uncover the the vulnerable mechanism of growth in harmful microbes and produce a toxin that is lethal to its lifecycle and not toxic to the other microbial environment nor tissue. Some selective targets include bacterial wall composition, ribosomal synthesis, and DNA transcription. Antibiotics are used to either inhibit or kill harmful bacterial growth. Selecting which antibiotic to use is aided by identifying which harmful bacteria are gram-positive or gram-negative. When the target bacteria is not known, a broad spectrum antibiotic may be given as it can attack both gram-positive and gram negative bacteria. A narrow spectrum antibiotic is chosen when the bacterial pathogen has been identified by gram-stain testing or symptomatic expression. A narrow-spectrum antibiotic will be used to kill the specific identified gram-negative or gram-positive bacteria. The advantage to using a broad spectrum antibiotic is that it may be given early on, before the lengthy lab examination process so that attempts to control of growth may begin promptly. If the broad spectrum is given to a gram specific organism however, the strength of antibiotic may be insufficient to kill or control harmful growth. Furthermore, exposing a microbial environment to unnecessary types or strengths of antibiotics can lead to tolerance or super-infections. A narrow spectrum antibiotic is an absolute advantage when the gram stain specificity is known as it will then target only the offending bacteria. Alternatively, if a narrow spectrum drug is used on an incorrectly identified microbe, then there will be no antibacterial coverage and the harmful bacteria may flourish. Unfortunately, the use of antibiotics in antimicrobial control has consequences. Microbes have been adapting to overcome harmful environments since the beginning of life. Exposure of microbes to antibiotics is yet another environment and as a result, antimicrobial resistance has surfaced. Some common resistant mechanisms include the production of inactivating enzymes that leave the antimicrobial ineffective. Interruption of cell membrane transport of antimicrobial agents is another development of resistance. Mutations are a common mechanism of antimicrobial resistance. Penicillin can be rendered ineffective by an alteration mutation that disrupts the target protein. The Kirby-Bauer test is an agar diffusion test used to identify bacterial susceptibilities. When S. epidermidis is exposed to antibiotic disc materials of Novobiocin, Penicillin and Gentamicin, the most resistance observed was by the Penicillin.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Millennium Schools in Ecuador: Role to Improving Creativity

Millennium Schools in Ecuador: Role to Improving Creativity Are Millennium Schools a Solution to Improve Creativity Education in Ecuador? Abstract In this research paper we will talk about the millennium schools in Ecuador and its role to improve creativity in the countrys school. The goal is to show what the millennium schools are and explain why the government invests so much in these schools that they can not improve the creativity of education. So when we look a little deeper into this matter we can see that there are many irregularities with these millennium schools that are part of the governments flagship projects. We will identify the main problems of these schools and will explain in an easy way the reason why these are not the best option to improve the creativity in the education of the country. These are the things we will see in this research paper, from a brief explanation of the millennium schools to explain why these schools are just a waste of money. Keywords: Millennium school, creativity, education, government. Investing in education means investing in hope (Pope Francisco, 2015).ÂÂ   These words make a lot of sense for todays society because with education we can change the future and create hope for a better future. Each country has its way of investing in education in the case of the government of Ecuador was invested in a new type of schools called millennium schools. This idea of creating schools of the millennium emerged in 2005 that Ecuador along with 147 other countries subscribed to the declaration of the millennium. The government of Rafael Correa inaugurated the first school of the millennium in the year 2008. With this new type of schools it was thought to improve the creativity in Ecuadorian education and this to create a better future for Ecuador. Its objective was to change the traditional form of education that the country used. These millennium schools are very much criticized and are called white elephant, because they do not fulfill what is expected and cost much mor e money than a common school. Many people also think that it is unfair to invest a lot of money in building only a few schools and the vast majority of schools remain the same, with very poor infrastructure. Millennial schools are the same as ordinary schools and do not lead to change or improvement of education for the following reasons: firstly, millennium schools have a modern structure, but use same education system as traditional schools; secondly they are white elephant; and finally, they may be end with a new political regime. 1. Modern infrastructure but the same system First of all, we will start by talking about one of the main problems of the millennium schools, millennium schools have an excellent infrastructure compared to the other schools in Ecuador, but they have the same education system as the rest of Ecuadorian schools. These millennium schools are fully equipped with labs and classrooms but do not have teachers trained for this new type of school. In all of Ecuador there are only 64 millennium schools built totally and another 57 that are being built or is planned its construction. This means that only a small group of students in the country will benefit from these millennium schools. While investing a large amount of money in schools of the millennium the great majority of schools in Ecuador have a poor structure that needs to improve urgently. In millennium schools creativity is not encouraged as planned because these schools have the same education system as the other schools in the country. For these reasons the schools of the mille nnium do not help to increase the development of the creativity in the Ecuador because they have the same system of education. So all this investment does not change the education of Ecuador. 2. Why they are calledwhite elephant? Another problem is that millennium schools are called white elephants because people think that these schools are not going to progress and they are only a useless expense of the government that does not worry in solving the main problem of the little creativity in the basic school. The construction of the millennium schools is surrounded by many irregularities. One of these irregularities is its construction. These schools have budgeted a price and in the end always cost a few more than the initial price of construction. People in Ecuador are angry because they invest a lot in these schools alone and there are very few schools with proper infrastructure in Ecuador. For these reasons people think that this project is not sustainable and does not help the development of Ecuador. These millennium schools are just an act of populism of the government since it builds them very few. For the things written above is that many people say that the schools of the millennium are a white elephan t that is determined to fail because of its high costs of construction and because it has the same educational system that is the rest of the schools in the country. 3. The project may end with a new political regime. A very serious problem of these millennium schools is that they could end if the government of Rafael Correa comes out of power. With a new system of government the schools of the millennium would be stagnant. Currently the Ecuadorian government has many economic problems due to the low price of oil. The next government to be elected in 2017 will not have the resources to complete the construction of the millennium schools and would leave that project in the trash. This means that the following elections in Ecuador will define what will happen with many emblematic projects that the current regime has. It is very possible that the next president of Ecuador will cancel the millennium schools and other projects. Conclusion In summary there are many negative aspects in the millennium schools that show us that these schools can not be able to improve creativity in the educational system of Ecuador. The correct thing would be to invest to improve all the schools of the country at the same time and to change the educational system of education. It would be necessary to start with basic education from teachers, parents and students. In order to fulfill the goal of 21st century education, the millennium schools must change the old boring and memorable education to a new education in which the creativity of all is important. So the first thing that should be done is for the government to stop constructing new schools and to invest in improving the infrastructure of the schools that already exist in the country. When all the schools in the country have a new infrastructure, it will begin to improve creative education. In conclusion the millennium schools are very expensive to build and are not a solution to im prove the creativity in Ecuadorian education. References Compton, Robert. (2011). The Finland phenomenon. Recovered from Childress, Sarah (2007) A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation Segal, Susan (2016) The case for disruption in Latin Americas classrooms Ossola, Alexandra. (2014). Scientists Are More Creative Than You Might Imagine. The atlantic.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Developing Energy Efficient Building Design

Developing Energy Efficient Building Design Introduction Aims and Objectives The following five points are the key aims and objectives of the proposed building design: To provide the client with an energy efficient building design. To utilise renewable energy systems to reduce the buildings carbon footprint. To use materials in the construction of the building fabric that minimise heat losses/gains so as to reduce the loads on the services systems, and therefore the energy consumption. To provide a flexible, let able HVAC system solution for the landlord/tenant. To provide a design solution in accordance with current Building Regulations. Building summary Heron Tower is an office block located in Central London near to Liverpool Street train station. The site is situated on a traffic island bordered by Camomile Street, Outwich Street and Bishopsgate. The building has a footprint of approximately 1610m2. Site Location Heron Tower is a lightweight steel frame construction, with a concrete structural slab. The external faà §ade of the building is predominantly glazed. The building consists of a basement level, Ground Floor and 2 Floors above ground. The basement will predominantly be used for plant and storage. The ground floor comprises an entrance lobby / reception area, retail area and a loading bay. Each of the floors above ground will be broken down into two distinct areas, the office area and the core area. The building has a flat roof that is available for use for plant and equipment. The office area is to be let to tenants and will be open plan, with a floor area of approximately 1270m2. The core area will be under the control of the building landlord and will house the lifts, stairs, toilets, service risers and will have an allowance for space for tenants plant. The core area has a floor area of approximately 340m2. The total floor area is therefore approximately 6440m2, of which 3900m2 is designated landlords space (i.e. plant, storage, services, retail etc.), and 2540m2 to be let. Occupancy Design Criteria Alert the reading where youre getting the information to design each room of the building, what standards you are trying to meet / exceed. From experience, this is best presented as a cut down of an Excel in the appendix in the form of a table. This sheet should have criteria for every room. Cut it down to every type of room, so it fits on one page, usually rotated, tricky. Environmental data from CIBSE Guide A  [2]   Lighting data from CIBSE LG7 -Lighting for Offices  [3]   Ventilation Cooling Heating Domestic Cold Water The domestic cold water service will be provided via a cold water booster set, taking water from a mains fed storage tank. This service will provide water for drinking, toilets, cleaning, mechanical pressurisation units, and will also feed the domestic hot water system via an unvented storage calorifier. The cold water service will be sized as follows: Occupancy: Cold water demand: Hot water demand: Domestic Hot Water The domestic hot water service will be provided via a two-pipe system fed from a central unvented storage calorifier, with a system pump to circulate the water to maintain the temperature. It is proposed that the primary method of heating the water is produced using an indirect solar hot water heating system. The system will comprise a solar array on the roof of the building that will heat the domestic hot water via a coil in the storage calorifier. The system water will be circulated through the solar panels and coil using a pump. The calorifier provided will have dual coils to allow the solar heating system to be supplemented by the main building heating system. This secondary coil will be used to heat the water if the solar system fails to meet hot water demand. Both coils will be controlled using automatic 3-port control valves For more detailed information about the solar hot water heating system see section 6.1. Acoustics Lighting Electrical Services Supplemented by wind turbines on roof Distribution of Services Landlord Areas Mechanical Electrical Tenants / Public Areas Mechanical LTHW and CHW pipework to air conditioning units will be housed in the ceiling void. Electrical Distribution of small power to the office area will be via floor boxes fed from a raised floor. Power for air conditioning units and lighting will be distributed via the ceiling void. Energy Metering Metering will be provided on both incoming service mains to the site and on sub-circuits within the building for monitoring by the building energy manager. Metering provisions will enable the energy manager to attribute at least 90% of the energy usage to specific systems, e.g. lighting, heating etc. in accordance with The Building Regulations Part L2A  [4]  . The meters provided shall be BMS compatible to allow for automatic data collection. The metering strategy for the building is as follows: Mains Metering Electricity Electricity will be metered on the incoming mains to monitor the buildings overall electrical energy usage and for billing purposes (in accordance with ) Water Water will be metered on the incoming mains to monitor the overall water usage and for billing purposes (in accordance with water bylaws). Gas Gas will be metered on the incoming mains to monitor the overall gas usage and for billing purposes (in accordance with ) Sub-Metering Sub-metering will be provided to monitor energy usage on sub-systems so that the overall energy usage of the building can be broken down into the various systems and analysed by the building energy manager. Sub-metering will also be used to differentiate between energy usage by the landlord and tenants for billing purposes. The sub-metering strategy has been devised in accordance with CIBSE TM39  [5]  . The sub-metering strategy for the building is as follows: Electricity The landlords and tenants supplies will be fed from separate distribution boards to allow differentiation between energy usages. The feeds to these distribution boards will be metered at the L.V switchgear. Metering will also be provided at the local distribution boards to monitor energy usage across the main categories of electricity usage. The categories that will be monitored are: Lighting Office small power (including computer equipment etc.) Ventilation plant Heating plant Cooling plant Air conditioning units Heating/Air Conditioning Heating and air conditioning in the landlord and tenant areas will be fed by separate sub-circuits. The energy used by each of these circuits will be monitored by using in line pipe heat meters located in the service risers. Water Domestic hot and cold water usage at the toilets on levels 1 2, and in the staff areas in the basement will be monitored using water meters located in the service risers. Gas Gas is only used for the gas fired boiler plant. As the gas is metered at the incoming main no sub-metering is required. Solar Domestic Hot Water System The output of the solar hot water generation system will be measured by installing a heat meter inline to the feed from the solar array to the storage calorifier. This heat meter will measure the flow rate of the water as well as its temperature in order to gauge system output. A meter will also be installed in the sub-circuit feed from the LTHW system to ascertain how much LTHW has to be used when the solar hot water generation system fails to satisfy demand. Wind Power System Energy produced by the wind turbines located on the roof of the building will be metered to provide the building energy manager with data on the actual output of the wind turbines. This will be metered on the common feed from the turbines to the storage battery. The consultation on changes to the technical  guidance for Part L issued in June 2009 proposes: The output of any renewable energy system  provided as part of the works must be  separately monitored. Safety Benchmarking This section is to give the reader an idea of the minimum standard to be achieved by your proposed design. Usually BSRIA Rule of Thumb gives you a starting point in W/m2. There is usually guidance in the form of Best Practice for a particular type of building: school, hospital, office, leisure centre etc. CIBSE guide A Table 6.2 Benchmark allowances for internal heat gains in typical buildings BSRIA Rules of thumb 4th ed Heat Calculations You will need to calculate the current baseline design using typical construction materials. This could be done using Hevacomp  [6]  , IES  [7]  or Excel. Then you could consider orientation, shading and construction materials to recalculate heat loss /gains. Typically, improved U values for windows are considered, but then you must justify the decision based on costs / environmental pollution etc. Could include the unoptimised design, if the building is a refurbishment. You should include any restrictions, listed building, planning constraints etc. Heat losses You should make the calculations, say in Hevacomp, but only include a summary in the text. This includes the U values for the building elements: wall, floor, roof, door, windows, these could be calculated from scratch, taken from the CIBSE guide, Hevacomp database or manufacturers data. Literature Review (In-depth investigation) The literature review should consider one or two particular areas. You should use a selection matrix to highlight two or three potential solutions depending on your criteria (your client usually wants the cheapest construction- low capital cost) usually you want either low C02, low energy bills, low maintenance, highest safety etc. You must be able to defend your selection. Now investigate the options based on the selection matrix, you dont need to supply manufacture information, but you may need to hassle manufacturers for cost information, or size information (e.g bore hole depths for ground source heat pumps, GSHP) Heating supply for example You could select gas or electric or CHP or GSHP or ASHP or oil, liquefied gas etc. Select two or three and investigate options in-depth Heating systems You could decide between radiators, under-floor heating, electric storage heaters etc. Ventilation Requirements Ventilation is a means of changing the air within a space in order to: Provide fresh air for respiration Preserve oxygen levels in the air in enclosed spaces Control carbon dioxide Control moisture/humidity Remove heat from processes carried out within a space Remove atmospheric contaminants such as odours, smoke and dust Maintain comfort conditions Provide oxygen for combustion Types of Ventilation Ventilation may take many forms and the method of ventilating buildings will vary from project to project. Whatever the specific design for ventilating a building may be, it can always be divided into three categories- natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation and air conditioning. Designers may decide to focus the design of the buildings ventilation system solely on one of these three methods, or to use a combination of the three. Natural Ventilation Natural ventilation is the most economic method of ventilating a building as it uses components of the buildings structure, such as windows, louvres, trickle vents and air bricks to provide the buildings ventilation, therefore requiring little or no energy to operate (although it can contribute to the buildings energy losses). When deciding to use natural ventilation in a building design the following factors should be taken into consideration: Location: is the building situated in an area where having windows open for the purpose of ventilation is going to allow high noise levels or smells into the building? Size: how big is the building? If the building is large are there internal rooms that are not close to external walls/windows and could therefore be insufficiently ventilated naturally? Temperature maintenance: what measures will be used to maintain a comfortable internal temperature if the external temperatures are fluctuating? Energy consumption: although utilising natural ventilation will reduce energy consumption by not requiring any mechanical plant to operate, constantly having windows open will lead to larger heat losses than would be expected from an identical sealed building. This will increase the energy use of any heating systems in place. Seasonal weather: will natural ventilation provide enough cooling on hot summers days to maintain comfortable conditions? Will it still be practical to have windows open on particularly cold days? If natural ventilation is used as a buildings sole means of ventilation then it can be very difficult to maintain comfortable conditions all year round, as you are depending on an unknown and uncontrollable factor i.e. the weather. The only control that is really available is to open or close windows or other building components. Mechanical Ventilation Mechanical ventilation systems are installed where natural ventilation is impractical or there is a necessity to achieve a specific number of air changes per hour in order to comply with legislation and regulations. Mechanical ventilation systems can take three forms: Mechanical intake with natural extract Mechanical extract with natural intake Mechanical intake and extract Whilst both the capital and running costs of a mechanical system are higher than that of a natural system, mechanical systems will provide a reliable and controllable air change rate that is required in some circumstances, and is simply not achievable via natural ventilation. When deciding to use mechanical ventilation in a building design the following factors should be taken into consideration: Size: is the building big enough to warrant the installation of a mechanical ventilation system? Location/use of rooms: does the building have internal rooms that have no other means of smell/heat extraction such as toilets or kitchens, therefore requiring a mechanical ventilation system? Cost: does the buildings need for ventilation warrant the cost of installing, running and maintaining a mechanical ventilation system? Maintenance: is maintenance of the system going to be easy and affordable? Space: is there going to be enough space in the building for the plant/distribution systems required for a mechanical ventilation system? A mechanical ventilation system provides the occupants of the building with a higher level of control over comfort conditions than would be provided when relying solely on natural ventilation. It would not however provide the level of controllability that can be achieved by an air conditioning system. Air Conditioning Air conditioning is the process of controlling condition of the air supplied to a space by subjecting the air to a number of processes including heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Air conditioning is used where close control of comfort conditions is required, or where acceptable internal conditions cannot be achieved using either natural or mechanical ventilation. When deciding to use an air conditioning system in a building design the following factors should be taken into consideration: Size: is the building big enough to warrant the installation of an air conditioning system? Location/use of rooms: does the building have internal rooms that have no other means of smell/heat extraction such as toilets or kitchens, therefore requiring the installation of a mechanical ventilation system as well as the air conditioning system? Cost: is the need to maintain comfort conditions and temperatures great enough to warrant the cost of installing, running and maintaining an air-conditioning system? Maintenance: is maintenance of the system going to be easy and affordable? Space: is there going to be enough space in the building for the plant/distribution systems required for an air conditioning system? Efficiency: is the plant that is going to be installed going to be energy efficient? An air conditioning system gives by far the greatest level of control over comfort conditions. Temperatures can be controlled locally and accurately, meaning that people in different areas of the building can decide on the conditions that they feel most comfortable. The installation of an air conditioning system can also remove the requirement for a separate heating system, if a multi-functional fan coil unit system, or equivalent, were to be installed, therefore allowing conditions to be maintained comfortably all year round. Renewables Now the Mayor of London has put his backing into renewables, it must be included as a potential measure. Typically students investigate hydrogen, solar heated water, PV, tidal, wind or biomass. You need to decide which one is appropriate then make some calculations. Please learn to use equation editor (its under Insert -> Object). Unfortunately, its not installed by default by Word, but you can add it in by a add/remove option in Office Setup. From your decisions you should be able to calculate the CO2 and energy savings, based this upon a standard condensing boiler and the current price of gas and electricity. Include grants / tax breaks into the calculation. Finally, financials including simple pay back period should be included, but you should rerun the calculation based on future energy prices as well.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Creating a Successful Community Service Project :: Community Service Essays

Introduction Our class at State University has been tasked with creating and implementing a community-service project. A community-service project refers to a service that a person or group performs for the benefit of his or her local community. The team which I was part of decided to sponsor a Mother’s Day spaghetti dinner for the athletic department at a local Christian school. The funds would be used exclusively to build dug-outs for the girls softball team at a small private Christian school located in our town. The Christian school serves our community by providing a preschool program for children 3 and 4. It also conducts school for K-5 through 12th grade. Our team is made up of four people. The team began the decision making process by first exploring the parameters involved in a community project and the possibilities to work towards a worthy cause, while applying organizational behavior principles. The spaghetti dinner seemed perfect for our purpose of collecting money to build the girls softball team some dugouts. We wanted to engage in a community project that included certain characteristics such as an activity that would produce long-lasting benefits for the community. The team also wanted an uplifting and positive experience for all involved and a process that included a variety of challenges which would demonstrate our individual talents. As a team we all participated in the decision making for the entire project. Each participant showed leadership and demonstrated motivation to get the project underway and completed with a successful turnout.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once the team came up with a general consensus for the project, the decision making was shared at all levels. Sometimes, the team had to rethink certain approaches quickly, for example by becoming more persistant and persuasive with merchants. As the dead line for the dinner approached we needed to take into consideration all factors surrounding the cause and try and get as much as possible from each merchant. In most cases, there was reluctance about donating something to a group that was not very well known and in other cases there was resistance in general to donating at all. Many merchants wouldn’t donate without first receiving a request in writing, so we created a letter designed to overcome this obsticle. We have included a copy of this letter at the end of this paper for your review. The team had multiple different personality types and traits that would allow us to pull on multiple strengths from different team members. Creating a Successful Community Service Project :: Community Service Essays Introduction Our class at State University has been tasked with creating and implementing a community-service project. A community-service project refers to a service that a person or group performs for the benefit of his or her local community. The team which I was part of decided to sponsor a Mother’s Day spaghetti dinner for the athletic department at a local Christian school. The funds would be used exclusively to build dug-outs for the girls softball team at a small private Christian school located in our town. The Christian school serves our community by providing a preschool program for children 3 and 4. It also conducts school for K-5 through 12th grade. Our team is made up of four people. The team began the decision making process by first exploring the parameters involved in a community project and the possibilities to work towards a worthy cause, while applying organizational behavior principles. The spaghetti dinner seemed perfect for our purpose of collecting money to build the girls softball team some dugouts. We wanted to engage in a community project that included certain characteristics such as an activity that would produce long-lasting benefits for the community. The team also wanted an uplifting and positive experience for all involved and a process that included a variety of challenges which would demonstrate our individual talents. As a team we all participated in the decision making for the entire project. Each participant showed leadership and demonstrated motivation to get the project underway and completed with a successful turnout.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once the team came up with a general consensus for the project, the decision making was shared at all levels. Sometimes, the team had to rethink certain approaches quickly, for example by becoming more persistant and persuasive with merchants. As the dead line for the dinner approached we needed to take into consideration all factors surrounding the cause and try and get as much as possible from each merchant. In most cases, there was reluctance about donating something to a group that was not very well known and in other cases there was resistance in general to donating at all. Many merchants wouldn’t donate without first receiving a request in writing, so we created a letter designed to overcome this obsticle. We have included a copy of this letter at the end of this paper for your review. The team had multiple different personality types and traits that would allow us to pull on multiple strengths from different team members.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Victor as the Monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein :: essays research papers

Monsters can come in various physical forms, but all monsters share the same evil mentality. A Monster is a being that harms and puts fear within people. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a prime example of how appearance does not determine whether a creature is a monster or not. In the story, Victor Frankenstein tries to change nature by creating a super human being. The being appears to be a monster. Victor becomes so obsessed with his creation and then rejects it. Victor is the real monster because of his desire for power, lack of respect for nature, and his stubbornness. Because of Victor’s need for fame and desire for power leads to Victor becoming a monster. Victor begins his quest to bring life to a dead person because he does not want anyone to feel the pain of a loved ones death. At first he is not obsessed with his project. As he moves along in the project he thinks about what will happen to him. "Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world. A new species would bless me as its creator and source, many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me." (Shelley 39) He realizes that he will become famous if he accomplishes the task of bringing a person back to life. The realization that he will become famous turns him into an obsessive monster. He wanted to be admired, and praised as a species creator. He isolates himself from his family and works on the creature. â€Å"I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body. For this I deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation, but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.† (Shelley 156) By spending most of his time inside on his experiment, he has no time to write or contact his family. He puts fear within his family because they fear for him. Victor has a lack of respect for the natural world that leads him on the path to becoming a monster. In creating the monster Victor is trying to change the natural world. He is trying to play the role of god by creating life.

Education and Act 48 Essay -- Education School Legislation Teaching Es

Education and Act 48 On November 23,1999 Governor Ridge signed Act 48 of 1999, enacting new requirements for professional education (formerly professional development) plans. The legislation also requires that all certified educators complete six college credits, six credits of continuing professional education courses, 180 clock hours of continuing professional education, or any combination of collegiate studies, continuing professional education courses or learning experiences equivalent to 180 hours every five years. For the purposes of calculating hours and credits, one credit of collegiate studies or continuing professional education courses is equivalent to 30 hours of continuing professional education. The professional education requirements take effect July 1, 2000 for all certified educators and will support achievement of the Pennsylvania Academic Standards, the Chapter 49 Teacher Certification Standards, and high standards for all educators and student. The information below has been rese arched directly from the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Act 48-Professional Development Plan. The Act 48 plan requires that â€Å"upon expiration of an existing professional development plan, each school entity (district, intermediate unit (Ill), area-vocational-technical school (AVTS), joint school district, charter school, the Scotland School for Veterans Children and the Scranton School for the Deaf) submit a three-year professional education plan to the Department of Education for approval.† Approved schools for special education are also required to comply with Act 48 by the Bureau of Special Education. This plan is based on national standards, state standards and the individual needs of the district. Professional education plans from IUs, approved schools for special education and state-owned schools are submitted by June 30 in two phases. School district and AVTS professional education plans are due with a strategic plan by September 30 in the assigned phase. Private schools may also submit a professional education plan for approval so they can be an approved professional education provider. This, however, is an option to private schools and is not mandated by the state because they do not receive federal funding in the way that public schools do so. Wallenpaupack Area School District is currently in phase one of the strategic plan...] Professional development: Changing times. (1994). Policy Briefs, Report 4. Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. ED376618 State Higher Education Executive Officers Association [SHEEO]. (1991, August). Higher education and school reform: Creating the partnership. Denver, CO: Author. ED 337,110. Tanner, B., Canady, R. L., & Rettig, R. L. (1995). Scheduling time to maximize staff development opportunities. Journal of Staff Development, 16(4): 14-19. EJ522303 Taylor, T. A. (2000, May 24). Congress confronts Goals 2000, national service. AACTE Briefs, p. 1. Troen, V., & Bolles, K. (1994). Two teachers examine the power of teacher leadership. In D. R. Walling (Ed.), Teachers as leaders. Perspectives on the professional development of teachers (pp. 275-86). Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. ED379283 Voices from the field: 30 expert opinions on America 2000, The Bush administration strategy to "reinvent" America's schools. (2001, April). Washington, DC: Institute for Educational Leadership and William T. Grant Foundation, Commission on Work, Family, and Citizenship. ED 336 823

Saturday, August 17, 2019

An Overview of Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc

Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc. ( is a greeting card company that recently decided to create a website that would provide wholesale and retail customers with online services (Aspin, 2005). In the past, the company relied entirely on fax and phone orders. It grew into a multi-billion dollar business without even having a web site. However, as customer began demanding faster service and the industry expanded, Freedom†s leaders realized that they would be eliminated by the competition if they failed to give the customers what they wanted (Aspin, 2005). The Internet seemed to be the offered a viable solution to keep in contact with a large customer base. Jay Levitt, president of Freedom Greeting, aimed to create a solution that would be easy to use and effectively boost productivity, while saving money on traditional methods of reacting to increases in demand such as staff and infrastructure expansion. Levitt looked into the possibility of extending his existing business applications. Since 1999, the company was a customer of Aspin Management Systems, a software house based in the United Kingdom (Aspin, 2005). Freedom had invested in AMSolveâ„ ¢, an accounting and back office system which the company produces. The system handles many area of Freedom†s operation, including account ledgers, stock control, order processing and fulfillment. Levitt decided to extend the company†s services to the Internet. The company found a solution that would give trade customers an easy to use method of quickly ordering products, without the need for customers to invest in expensive applications to interface with the company†s server (Aspin, 2005). This solution is a website that provides a catalogue of over five thousand products that can be ordered by industry customers. Customers login and browse the products, adding items or requesting stock through the Grid Ordering process. According to Aspin Intercative (2005): â€Å"The customer or agent specifies the grids and pocket to re-order and the system displays the available stock for pockets as specified in AMSolve. The user then reviews the order, makes any adjustment to quantity and clicks a button to place the order. There is no need to enter any payment details and the order is encrypted and sent directly to Freedom†s AMSolve server for processing. Once the order is placed notification is sent via email, however, an agent representing a client or the customer themselves can log into the website at any time and place, and check that the order is in the system and once shipped, they can check its delivery status.†

Friday, August 16, 2019


The word grotesque is an oxymoron in itself. It means beautiful ugly. How a person can have both of these adjectives is the theme of Winesburg, Ohio written by Sherwood Anderson. His characters become grotesque by holding onto one truth that make them distorted but unknowingly make them beautiful simultaneously. Anderson uses the motif of isolation on Seth Richmond, the Stranger and Tandy to develop their grotesqueness by making the characters' isolation be the reason why they hold onto one truth causing their grotesqueness.On the other hand, the author ses biblical allusion to help clarify the truth Jesse Bentley lives by that causes his grotesqueness. Anderson uses the motif of isolation in order to enhance the grotesqueness of Seth Richmond, as the character's self-imposed isolation causes his grotesqueness. Seth Richmond grows up with his mother, Virginia Richmond who does not know how to discipline him and a deceased father. Seth only stares at his mother apathetically when she scolds him that causes his mother to withdraw from her displeasure.Seth also only shows indifference in things other boys engage in and finds him different rom others, since he does not feel the same emotions people would usually feel. Hence, he holds onto the truth that he does not belong in the town and â€Å"he [wishes] that he himself [be] stirred by something† (133). Seth's self-imposed isolation is what causes his grotesqueness. He thinks Just because he doesn't have the same interest as the others and is not â€Å"stirred by something† makes him an outcast and unlike. When in fact, the people of Winesburg admire him because he comes off as a passionate and mature man.Nevertheless, Seth does not acknowledge the people's houghts because he lives by his truth that he does not fit in Winesburg because he is indifferent about things the people our engaged in. For this reason, he is distorted and grotesque for believing one truth and not accepting the others' truths. Later, Seth fancies a girl named Helen but with him imposing that he does not belong in the town and wants to leave, he soon drives away Helen and begins to think that the reason of her departure is because of his truth that he is an outcast.When in reality, Helen departs to avoid further sentiment because Seth tells her that it was their last ime they'll see each other. Nonetheless, He continues to say, â€Å"when it comes to loving someone, it wont never be [him]. It'll be†¦ someone who talks a lot – someone like that George Willard† (142). Seth continues to hold onto his truth and imposes that he needs be isolated further more from the town and needs to leave Winesburg. This eventually drives Helen away, but Seth believes it is because of his social skills.Hence, he becomes Jealous of George Willard and wants to be like him because he thinks that if he were George, Helen would not have left him. However, George Willard is not that social either, Seth assumes he is a social butterfly because he is a reporter but as a matter of fact he only listens well. Seth is grotesque because he believes in a truth that is not absolute. He believes that Helen left him because he is not as social as George Willard, when it is not the case. He is grotesque tor believing a truth about George Willard that is not true.The author also uses the motif of isolation to develop the grotesqueness of the Stranger and Tandy, as the characters' isolation causes them to hold onto one truth aking them grotesque. Tandy Hard lives only with her father, Tom Hard because her mother is dead. Tom Hard spends most of his time being an atheist, wrecking the ideas and belief that God exists causing his daughter to be neglected. Not having anyone to nurture her and guide her, she becomes lost and continues to live without an identity, as implied by the author when he does not mention her real name until she the stranger names her Tandy.The stranger comes to Winesburg, Ohio in ord er to cure his alcohol addiction and addiction to an image of a lover. He claims that his over is named Tandy who has â€Å"the quality of being strong to be loved,† and the only reason he is not with her is because â€Å"she did not come in [his] time† (145). As a result of the stranger being lone and isolated for not having a lover, he holds onto the truth that his lover is named Tandy and she was not born in his time for the stranger does not find her yet.His reasoning makes him distorted because he continues to believe the truth that there is a Tandy that was not born at his time and not acknowledge the truth that there might not be any Tandy at all. In addition, his isolation also makes im grotesque because it makes him live by the truth that his lover is someone like Tandy and does not acknowledge the truth that there are other women out there that can be his potential lovers without necessarily having the same quality as Tandy.Nonetheless, the stranger imposes o n the daughter that she should be Tandy and she should be strong and brave in order to beloved. Consequently, the daughter not having an identity starts to incline on the idea of Tandy. When her father calls her, she retaliates and says, â€Å"[she] want[s] to be called Tandy – Tandy Hard† (146). After he daughter's statement demanding she wants to be called Tandy, it is implied that she will continue to live as Tandy. For that reason, the daughter is grotesque for not accepting that she can have her own truth to live by and not Just the truth of the stranger.However, the only reason she holds onto the stranger's truth is because she does not acquire her own identity from the isolation and lack of nurture she gets from her father. Therefore, her isolation because of the lack of guidance from her father causes her to live by another person's truth distorting her and making her rotesque. Anderson uses biblical allusion to help clear up the truth Jesse Bentley lives by cr eating his grotesqueness. Jesse Bentley inherits a colossal amount of land from his dead father and brothers.Before inheriting the land Jesse Bentley studied to be a minister, so returning home he is filled with religious thoughts. Hence, he begins to think that his farm is an empire of God and thinks that his lands need to be protected from â€Å"the hands of the Philistines† (73). As a man who studied to be a minister, it is understandable to return with the words of God. However, Jesse Bentley ssociating his life to the Bible and calling his neighbors Philistines is Just absurd and twisted.He lives by the truth that his life is parallel with Jesse's life from the Bible, and even goes to the extent of calling his neighbors Philistines implying that they are enemies. For this reason, Jesse Bentley is grotesque because he lives by the truth that his neighbors are Philistines like in the Bible, causing his distortion and grotesqueness because his truth is not really true. As I said before, Jesse Bentley commences to equate his life to the Jesse of the Old Testament. The Jesse from the Old Testament is known as Christ's key ancestor.As a result, Bentley prays to God that his wife conceives a son that can be named David in order for the lineage to start. However, his wife conceives a girl, Louise that gives birth to a son named David. Jesse Bentley then starts to get obsessive about contacting God through his grandson David. He thinks that through David they â€Å"will see the beauty and glory of God† (100), so he brings a sheep to sacrifice and uses David as a host in the forest. Jesse Bentley holds onto the truth that he can be a significant person like the Jesse from the Old Testament through his grandson.He strongly believes that his life is parallel to the life of the Bible's Jesse when it is not the case. In addition, the fact that he still tries to equate his life into the bible when there's a generation gap and the story that he is reenactin g is Abraham and Isaac and not Jesse and David shows that he is so desperate to communicate with God and feel significant that it makes him distorted and grotesque. Furthermore, because Jesse Bentley is blinded by his want to be significant and the truth that he can communicate with God, he does not accept the ruth that God may not exist making him grotesque.In conclusion, the characters' isolation leads them to live by one truth that enhances their grotesqueness. Additionally, the author uses biblical allusion to explain and clarify the truths the characters' hold onto that makes them grotesque. In some way, the characters' or in general people's grotesqueness can be seen as beautiful. People's faith in a certain truth can be considered beautiful and no matter how distorted it makes them seem, it's the fact that people stand on their ground and fght for what they believe in, makes them admirable.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Snowboarding History

As the excitement of fall winds down, many people fall into a depression. The leaves are gone, the woods are desolate, and the chill of winter air has crept upon us. While most people find this sad, I find it exciting! Why? Because it is time for my favorite sport, snowboarding. Snowboarding’s a new, challenging sport that’s attracting new fans from all around the world. It has really changed since it was first invented. It’s become one of the largest and fastest growing sports in the world. Everywhere, people, including myself, are waiting for the snow to get a chance to go snowboarding.Snowboarding is the cross between surfing and skateboarding. Snowboarding use to be known as a child’s story, but now has evolved into a great sport. Since it was first invented, it has changed from a child’s sport to a new competitive sport that is great for both men and women. Some people saw snowboarding as an alternative to skateboarding, skiing, and surfing. Pe ople who could not afford to buy surfboards, like Jake Burton, used snowboarding as an alternative. Skateboarders saw snowboarding as a new sport that they could make their mark on.Nobody knows who truly invented the first snowboard. But in 1929, M. J. â€Å"Jack† Burchett invented one of the first snowboards. He used clothesline and horse reins to secure a piece of plywood to his feet. Thirty years later, Sherman Poppen, a chemical gases engineer invented â€Å"The Snurfer† as a toy for his daughter. He made the â€Å"snurfer† by bounding two skis together and putting a rope at the nose, so that the rider could hold it and keep it stable. Poppen licensed his idea to manufacturer when his daughter’s friends wanted a â€Å"snurfer† too.In 1966, â€Å"the snurfer† sold over a half million times. In 1979, Poppen left the snowboarding business after Jake Burton came up with the bindings and went back to his old profession. Jake Burton, another i nventor of the snowboard, became interested in snowboarding after taking part in Poppen’s â€Å"snurfer† competitions that were organized by Poppen. His parents wouldn’t buy him a surfboard so riding the â€Å"snurfer† was a new and cool thing to do. In 1977, after he finished college, Burton moved to Londonderry, Vermont to make different types of the Snurfer.He made his first board out of laminated hardwood. In 1979, while at a Snurfer competition, Burton shocked everyone by using his new board that had the first binding. It made a big difference that allowed him to control the board and made it easier to beat the other riders. In 1969, Dimitrije Milovich, after he got the idea from sliding down a hill on a cafeteria plate in college, started making snowboards. His snowboards were based on surfboards combined with the way skis work. In 1972, he started a new company called â€Å"Winterstick†.He produced lots of snowboards and even got articles in magazines like, â€Å"News Week†, â€Å"Playboy†, and â€Å"Power†. In 1980, he left the snowboarding business, but was still known as a very important pioneer of the sport. At the same time that Jake Burton was producing his snowboards Tom Sims produced his first snowboards in 1977. Sims was an avid skateboarder who made a â€Å"snowboard† in a junior high school shop class. He made his out of carpet wood and aluminum. He glued some carpet to the top of a piece of wood and put an aluminum sheet on the bottom.He started making snowboards in 1977 in his garage with his friend and employee Chuck Barfoot. Barfoot actually made the boards and came up with the â€Å"Flying Yellow Banana†. It was a skateboard deck on top of a plastic shell with skegs. During 1980 Sims signed a skate-snowboarding deal with a big company called Vision Sports. Signing the deal helped Sims get out of his financial problems, but his friend Barfoot, was left out and tried to go into business for himself. He couldn’t compete with big competitors like Sims and Burton.The first modern competitive snowboarding contest took place in Leadville, Colorado in 1981. Then snowboarding competition took off from there and became worldwide. In 1982, the first national snowboarding race was held in Suicide Six, outside of Woodstock, Vermont. Because of the conditions of the hill, the goal of the race appeared to be mostly just surviving the race. The race was on a steep icy downhill run called â€Å"The Face†. Paul Graves put it on and Tom Simms and Jake Burton competed. Doug Bouton won first place overall.This race marked the last time that snowboards and snurfer’s raced together. In 1983, Jake Burton puts on the national snowboarding championships in Snow Valley. A couple of months later Tom Sims holds the inaugural World Snowboarding Championships at Soda Springs Ski Bowl in Lake Tahoe. That contest featured the first contest with a half pipe. In 1986 the World Snowboarding Championships moved from Soda Springs to Colorado. In 1986, a new European snowboarding generation launched. Then the Europeans began to organize their own regional events like the Swiss Championships in St. Moritz. In 1987, a group of riders and manufacturers formed the N. A. S. B. A. (National Association of State Boards of Accountancy) whose main goal was to create a unified World Cup tour with the Europeans. In 1988 N. A. S. B. A. got its wish and the first world cup was held in both Europe and the United States. It was the most expensive snowboarding contest ever. In 1994 everybody was happy because snowboarding was declared a Winter Olympic sport. It was finally accepted as a real competitive sport and was first seen in the 1998 Olympics in Nagano, Japan.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

An analysis of “Night” and “Beloved” Essay

In the list of the most tackled themes for literary works, freedom and love probably top the list. The Novels â€Å"Night† and â€Å"Beloved† are some examples of the literary pieces which intertwine these two popular concepts. Basically, the books dwelled on stories of slavery and brutality which ultimately destroyed the lives of the fictional characters. In this paper, the researcher tries to examine how these books address the importance of freedom and love in terms of living a life of meaning and purpose. The Lack of Freedom Can Deny Worth Both literary pieces demonstrate that without freedom, a person can ultimately loose his sense of self, and thus stripping the individual of his love for himself and his worth as a human being. The lack of worth is often initiated by the perpetrators or those who enslave. However, through continuous exposure to maltreatment, discrimination, and intolerant violence, the enslaved may loose hope, and in the end – accept the fact that he and his life are indeed worthless and that there is no point of loving himself and his fellows. This is clearly shown in the first novel. In the beginning of the â€Å"Night†, the Jews who were brought to the Nazi camp found relief in caring for each other. They also turned to religion and their God at times when they feared for their lives. In particular, Eliezer excessively prayed seeking salvation, security, and purpose in his faith and believing that God would not let evil prevail. The Jews also tried to seek relief from supporting Zionism. To a certain sense, the captives tried to preserve their worth as a human being through loving and caring. (Wiesel) However, brutal experiences forced them to thwart their beliefs and their worth. They had to see babies that were burned in open pit furnaces. Such event is very demoralizing to people since babies are often regarded as symbols of pure and innocent lives which needed love, not brutality. Apart from that, they were also forced to watch the hanging of their fellow Jews, people whom they loved and cared for. Such experiences combined with the inhumane treatment of Nazis gradually led the Jews to believe that they were basically nothing but slaves – individuals who have no purpose in life but to serve the superior race. They were somehow, undeserving of love and life, which will only be wasted through unjustifiable and imposed death. In â€Å"Beloved†, the slaves were liberated but one can see that their liberation was probably too late in the sense that slavery already ruined their â€Å"sense of self†. Take the case of Paul D. As a slave, he was treated with utmost cruelty by the â€Å"school teacher†. When he tried to escape with Sixo, they were captured and Sixo was killed. Paul D was then subjected to humiliation when he was forced to wear an iron bit much like a horse. He also suffered from pitiless beatings and torturing of the ‘chain gang’. As a result of these inhumane treatments, Paul D often felt insecure and unconvinced of his humanness and manhood. (Morrison) In the case of Sethe, she was also treated as an inferior being that, as the school teacher notes, has â€Å"animal characteristics†. She was violated by men and even whipped almost to death, despite the fact that she was pregnant. As a result of these experiences, she felt a feeling of self-hatred for becoming a slave. Sethe also cannot find a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment in her own self. That is why she saw motherhood as the only chance for her to redeem her worth. Thus, she regarded her children, especially ‘Beloved’ as her â€Å"best thing. † By being so selfless to the point of martyrdom, it seems that Sethe did not possess any love for herself. Rather, every loving emotion is directed to her children. The Lack of Freedom Can Distort a Person’s Sense of Life and Love The two novels also showed that slavery can greatly alter a person’s view of living and loving. Basically, the lack of freedom can introduce seemingly irrational and unreasonable perspectives that are derived from sheer fright, panic and anxiety. In â€Å"Night†, the lack of freedom reduced the lives of the Jews as nothing but mere struggles for survival. Through the extensive â€Å"selection† process promoted by the Nazis, the Jews developed the idea that the fittest are truly the only ones who can live. This is demonstrated by the fact that those who were considered as ill and weak were quickly exterminated while the â€Å"strong† ones were used for labor. The idea of the â€Å"survival of the fittest† was further enforced by the scarcity of resources in the camp. There was too little food and water and this prompted the Jews to compete against themselves. What’s worse was that the competition even prompted the prisoners to lose their sense of love and respect for their fathers. As noted by one of them: Listen to me, boy. Don’t forget that you’re in a concentration camp. Here, every man has to fight for himself and not think of anyone else. Even of his father. Here, there are no fathers, no brothers, (and) no friends. Everyone lives and dies for himself alone. (Wiesel) In a sense, without freedom the lives of the Jews became â€Å"animalistic†. They lost their regard for familial relations along with the loss of their hopes to be free. Without freedom, they had no love; and without love, their lives seemed to have no meaning. Elizier further demonstrates this point through his narration of a son’s beating of his father because of a fight over food on the train to Buchenwald. (Wiesel) In â€Å"Beloved†, the most twisted result of slavery is shown through murder. In the story, the schoolteacher wanted to take Sethe and her children back into the barn where slaves were dehumanized. Instead of surrendering her children however, Sethe decided to kill them rather than forcing them into a life without freedom. Through this act, Sethe demonstrated that life without freedom is worse than death. She somehow equated death as the only way to escape slavery and achieve freedom. For her, the act of murdering her own children – cutting their throat with a handsaw – was an act of love. Paul D explained Sethe’s actions: She just flew. Collected every bit of life she had made, all the parts of her that were precious and fine and beautiful, and carried, pushed, dragged them through the veil, out, away, over there where no one could hurt them†¦Outside this place, where they would be safe. (Morrison) In conclusion, the two novels, â€Å"Night† and â€Å"Beloved† show that without freedom, individuals can lose their idea of â€Å"love† – both in terms of self-love and love for others. Continuous demoralization and dehumanization can ultimately ruin a person’s concept of love and life. Moreover, such acts can drain purpose and meaning in living. Works Cited: Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Knopf, 1987. Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York: Bantam Books, 1960.